Answer these targeted questions to reveal where you're thriving, where you’re held back, and how to unlock your next level of health - physically, mentally, and emotionally.
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Rate how often the following apply to you
Question 2 of 22
I start my day with affirmations, gratitude, or journaling.
Make sure to CALCULATE YOUR POINTS as you will be asked for your total at the end of Assessment!
Rarely or never (1 Point)
Sometimes (2 Points)
Often (3 Points)
Never (4 Points)
Question 3 of 22
I feel confident in my ability to achieve my health goals.
Not at all confident (1 Point)
Somewhat confident (2 Points)
Confident but inconsistent (3 Points)
Extremely confident (4 Points)
Question 4 of 22
I have a strong support system (friends, family, or coach) keeping me accountable.
None (1 Point)
One person I rely on (2 Points)
Small group or community (3 Points)
Regular accountability and coaching (4 Points)
Question 6 of 22
I drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
Rarely (1 Point)
1-3 glasses/day (2 Points)
4-7 glasses/day (3 Points)
8+ glasses/day (4 Points)
Question 7 of 22
I prepare and eat balanced, portion-controlled meals.
Fast food or takeout is my norm (1 Point)
Occasionally meal prep, mostly convenient options (2 Points)
Balanced meals at least half the time (3 Points)
Consistently plan and eat balanced meals (4 Points)
Question 8 of 22
I eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
1-2 servings/day (2 Points)
3-4 servings/day (3 Points)
5+ servings/day (4 Points)
Question 10 of 22
I engage in intentional exercise at least three times a week.
Never or rarely (1 Point)
Once a week (2 Points)
Two to three times a week (3 Points)
Four or more times a week (4 Points)
Question 11 of 22
I take regular movement breaks during my workday.
Sit for hours without breaks (1 Point)
One or two movement breaks (2 Points)
Most days, multiple short breaks (3 Points)
Frequently stretch or move throughout the day (4 Points)
Question 12 of 22
I feel physically strong, energetic, and capable in my body.
Weak or low energy most days (1 Point)
Occasionally strong/energetic (2 Points)
Frequently strong/energetic (3 Points)
Consistently strong and energized (4 Points)
Question 14 of 22
I sleep 7-8 hours consistently each night.
Sometimes (3-4 nights/week) (2 Points)
Often (5-6 nights/week) (3 Points)
Every night (4 Points)
Question 15 of 22
I wake up feeling rested and ready to start the day.
Exhausted daily (1 Point)
Rested 1-2 days a week (2 Points)
Rested most days (3 Points)
Rested and ready every day (4 Points)
Question 16 of 22
I follow a consistent evening routine that helps me wind down.
No routine (1 Point)
Minimal routine (occasional screen time limits) (2 Points)
Relaxing activities (3-4 nights a week) (3 Points)
Consistent evening wind-down habits (4 Points)
Question 18 of 22
I spend $$$/month on fast food, coffee, and soda combined.
Over $300 (1 Point)
$150-$300 (2 Points)
$50-$150 (3 Points)
Under $50 (4 Points)
Question 19 of 22
I intentionally invest in my health (coaching, fitness, healthy groceries).
Occasionally (2 Points)
Frequently (3 Points)
Regularly (4 Points)
Question 20 of 22
I avoid emotional spending (stress-driven fast food, retail therapy, etc.).
Never (1 Point)
Always (4 Points)
Results will be emailed based on answers!
Question 22 of 22
Calculate your points in SECTIONS 1-5, and pick the answer with your Range:
Thriving (60-75 Points)
Balanced (45-59 Points)
At Risk (30-44 Points)
Critical (15-29 Points)